How do I refund a sale?

A refund returns all or part of the transaction value to the customer. You can refund a sale only when the transaction is part of a closed batch. When you refund a sale, the value of the transaction leaves your account the next time you close the current batch.

Note: If you do not have an option to refund a sale on the Payments Portal, the sale is part of an open batch and you must perform a void. You can refund a transaction from the History page.

Step 1. On the toolbar, click History.

Step 2. Search for the transaction you want to refund.

Step 3. Click the transaction to display the detailed view.

Step 4. Click Refund.

An example transaction with the Refund button highlighted.

Step 5. Check the Refund Amount is correct. If it is incorrect, type the correct refund amount.

Step 6. Click Refund. The Payments Portal confirms the refund was successful.

Voiding a refund

Note: You can only void a refund that is part of an open batch.

If you accidentally return funds to a customer using a refund, you can cancel the transaction using a void. You can void a refund using the refund-approval screen, or by using the History page.

To void a refund using the refund-approval screen:

Step 1. On the refund approval-screen, click Void Refund.

Step 2. On the Transaction Information screen, click Void Refund. The Payments Portal confirms you voided the refund.

To void a refund using the History page:

Step 1. On the toolbar, click History.

Step 2. Click on the refunded transaction you want to void.

Step 3. Click Void Refund.

Step 4. Click Void Refund. The Payments Portal confirms you have voided your refund.

Modified on: Wed, 27 Feb, 2019 at 11:36 AM