You can view details for each order by selecting its Order Number. Details include:
- Reference number
- Status
- Order Date
- Created by
- Payment Status
- Transaction information
Orders with more than one payment method
Depending on your account settings, customers can pay for orders using one or more payment method. When a customer uses more than one payment, the Payment Cartridge displays each transaction separately.
In the following example, the customer uses a credit card and a gift card to pay for an order with a total value of $218.38. The Payment Cartridge shows the order as PARTPAID, this is because the Payments Portal runs an instant sale on the customer’s gift card, and a pre-authorization on their credit card. When the merchant ships the goods, they can capture the customer’s credit card payment, completing the credit card transaction.
Viewing a transaction's details
You can view transaction information for each order, including:
- Approval status: Whether the transaction was approved or declined.
- Token: Transaction token that can be used to void, refund, or capture funds without having the customer’s card number.
- Authorization code: Reference code that can be assigned by the processor if the transaction is approved.
- Transaction date: Date the transaction occurred.
- Amount: Dollar value of the transaction.
- Card number: Credit card number or debit card number on the front of the customer's card or the gift card number.
- Card holder: The customer’s name on their credit, debit, or gift card.
- Card type: Type of card the customer used to pay for the transaction, for example, MasterCard, Visa, or gift.
Step 1. On the Orders page, select the Order Number of the order you want to view.
Step 2. Click More Info, to view the Transaction information.
Click to return to the order.
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